Friday, June 29, 2012

Nutritional Tip from Hazel

BBQ Tips to Prevent Cancer

Many people avoid BBQ foods because the are worry about the cancer risk. However, although the risk is real, it can be greatly reduced by changing the way you do it and the food you choose to grill.

The risk comes from HCAs – Heterocyclic amines, which is a cancer-causing compounds formed by combining HIGH heat and muscle proteins of the red meat, poultry and seafood. Consumption of HCAs is linked to cancers of colon and stomach.

Here are some tips for you to enjoy your BBQ foods without needing to worry about your health.

  1. Turn the gas down and raise the grilling surface from the heat source to lower the cooking temperature. This can avoid the black char that can form on meat. The carcinogen content in the char is extremely high.

  2. Marinating and flipping meat often. Marinating can decrease HCA formation by up to 96 percent according to the American Institute of Cancer Research.

  3. Grill leaner cuts of meat that will drip less and cause less smoke. Fats on the meat melt under high heat and turn into grease. As the grease drip onto the red hot charcoal, lots of smoke arise which consists of another cancer-causing compound called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-PAHs. Therefore, do not just focus on your red meat - beef, pork, lamb, and sausages/hot links at the BBQ but try using Chicken and Fish as other options.

  4. If you really enjoy red meat, try making kabobs. The smaller pieces of meat reduce cooking time and you can include more vegetables on the kabobs.

  5. Try grilling vegetables and fruits as they do NOT form HCAs. Also, fruits and vegetables contains cancer-fighting nutrients and phytochemicals which stimulate enzymes that can convert HCAs to an inactive, stable form that is easily eliminated from the body.

Interested in learning about weight goal and nutrition needs?
Schedule a free body weight and fat% analysis with Hazel at 626-283-5128 or email

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